A 17-year-old boy in Maharashtra killed his mother with an axe after seeing her texting someone on her mobile phone. The incident occurred in the Parole area of Vasai township during dinner. The boy allegedly doubted his mother's character and became enraged after witnessing her messaging someone. It is reported that the boy confronted his mother about the messages, leading to a fight, during which he picked up an axe and attacked her. Authorities believe that the discovery of her messages was the reason behind the tragic incident.
A 17-year-old boy killed his 35-year-old mother with an axe in Maharashtra's Palghar because he suspected her of having an affair with someone. The boy attacked his mother when he saw her texting someone on her phone. The incident took place late on Sunday night in Parole area of Vasai when the boy and his mother were having dinner. The accused had frequent fights with his mother on the subject of her alleged affair. The police said that the boy doubted his mother's character and fueled by his suspicions and anger, he used an axe to inflict fatal blows on his mother.